Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Intro to Reading America

Up until a few years ago I took being an American for granted. I knew that others weren't able to make the same choices as me however, it relay didn't matter. A few year ago my brother in law served in Iraq. During this time I was unable to watch the news or listen to anything that was said about what was happening in Iraq. Thank heavens that he made it home safely in one peace. During the time he was serving my views on being an American changed. I am forever grateful for all the men and women who sacrificed so much so that I can have my freedom. Today when I see the flag I get goosebumps. When I see men and women in military attire I am overwhelmed with gratefulness for the sacrifice they have made for me and my children.

I am sure there is a lot of history I will find out about this grate country that will sadden me and yet at the same time make me even more grateful for the freedoms which I have today. I do not feel that my opinion can easily be changed. There will be many thing I will not understand as to why people react the way they do. However isn't that the beauty of being an American citizen and having freedom. We are able to express our opinions and views of life to some extent as not to brake any laws.

I am excited and scared to see what the next few years will bring for our country. Did we make a good choice for the future President of the United States of America? Or will everything spiral out of control and continue to be worse then they are as far as the economy and every day people barley being able to afford to put food on the table and shelter over the heads of their small children.


  1. It is true that a perspective changes when it becomes personal, such as your family member serving in the military. Or how the economy is more personal when it is your job on the line rather than a percentage that you view on the news. I am looking forward to reading the different perspectives and challenging my own ideas of American culture. Personal experiences result in a deep understanding. The United States economy has struggled before. Many in our own country have struggled at various times to have food and shelter, some have even struggled during times when others prospered.
    I agree with you that the freedom is the greatest part of this good nation, and yes it does come with a price.

  2. Heather, the one thing most of us share, is Hope. I believe we have so much to look forward to as Americans. We live in the greatest of all times.

    I share your strong support for the troops that volunteer to fight the wars of this world. I hope the people in charge of this Country make wiser decisions in the future about where to send our men and women.

    Stay positive & hopeful, that's the only ammunition we've got.


    P.S. Thanks for the conversation we had yesterday in class.
