Sunday, April 26, 2009

Health and Welth Magazine

For more information on Health and Welth Magazine check out our video at

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Day In The Life

This is my little soccer man
My little dishwasher
Aspen loves to help mom

This is how mom occupies me when she is making dinner

Addison, my beautiful girl

This is when my boy
is the best. When he is

Our new puppies
my dog had 5 puppies
on monday April 20th
any one want one

Easter at grandma's

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

50 Questions about poverty

My big group topic is ecomomy. I would like to do my big report on Poverty.

  1. What is Poverty
  2. How much money do you have to make to be considerd Poverty
  3. Which state has the highest poverty level
  4. How does poverty effect children
  5. How does poverty effect health
  6. depression and poverty
  7. Impact of poverty on mariage
  8. Impact of poverty on family
  9. Is poverty limited to race
  10. How is poverty measured
  11. has poverty changed over time
  12. How many children live in poverty
  13. Is it possible to get out of poverty
  14. Why does poverty exist
  15. What are the causes of poverty
  16. What is being done about poverty
  17. how dows income effect poverty
  18. Can poverty be prevented
  19. Is education effected
  20. How does poverty effect mental health
  21. Does poverty effect children's future
  22. Is poverty based on the notion that poor people are deficient
  23. Is poverty controlled from the outside
  24. Is poverty isolated
  25. What is the current approach
  26. Is poverty globalized
  27. How does the economey effect poverty
  28. unemployment and poverty
  29. Who is responsibe for poverty
  30. Is the government responsible
  31. Do people live to far beyond their means
  32. Lack of education
  33. Lack of skill
  34. Intelligence & poverty
  35. Inadequate employment opportunities
  36. Is poverty a social issue
  37. Why does it mean to experience poverty
  38. Are Americans who experienced poverty now better off than a generation ago
  39. Are children and families at grater risk for economic hardship than others
  40. Why is there so much economic hardships in a country as wealthy as the U.S.
  41. What can we learn from poverty
  42. Is poverty a life style
  43. Is poverty hereditary
  44. Does poverty effect childrens ability to learn
  45. In what ways does poverty contribute to poor health
  46. Why shoul we care about families who are having economic hardship
  47. How accurate are commonly held stereotypes about poverty and ecomonic hardships
  48. Is there a solution to poverty
  49. What can be done to help those in need
  50. what assistance can be used

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


When do you use dashes? What is the proper way to use dashes? I had many questions on this. I found a website that helped. Check it out. Click

Framing Class

Reality showes have certainly changed the way our society sees things. Look at the most recent, The Bachelor. 25 women are placed in a situation where they get a chance to date a hunk. However, these dates are not realistic. When have you ever been on a date where you get to fly to Hawaii, served a fabulous romantic dinner in a famous restaurant with you being the only guest. This show as received so much media and publicity. This show gives young girls the wrong impression of dating in the real life. There are many reality showes that give the wrong impression to young viewers. Not everyone has unlimited funds, in fact I don't know anyone who has the funds to take a significant other on a dream date. Few people rarely get their dream wedding or honeymoon. This is unrealistic and gives many the wrong impression of life.

Serving in Florida

Wow- It has been so many years since I have been a waitress I have forgotten just how glamorous its not. There a few jobs that there is a boss who will take care of you yet alone even care about you. I am really glad that I had a chance to read this essay. I was beginning to think that I should put school on hold for a while. I do believe that my mind is changed. I may just take a few less credits and not be in such a hurry to finish my degree.
The details in this essay are so true. Many of us have had that what am I doing here moments at work. If I can just get through this week.
There was a time in my life when I new little about what was going on in the outside world. I had just gotten married, my husband worked out of town, I had nothing else to do to occupy my time so I worked three jobs. In the morning I went to the elementary school to teach reading recovery program. When my shift was over at the school I went to the mall where I worked in a clothing store, from there I went to my night job as a waitress in a Mexican restaurant. There was no free time. I simply mad sure that I had every other weekend off for when my husband would come home.I am so glad that I don't live that life anymore.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


*Adverbs modify verbs. They tell you how something is done.

Example: How does she sing? - She sings beautifully

Rule: adverbs are often formed by adding-ly to an objective

Example: beautiful - beautifully, careful - carefully


*some adverbs don't change in the adverb form

Example: fast, hard

*good is probably the most important exception. the adverb form of 'good' is 'well'
unfortunately, this is a common mistake

for instance you would not say- He plays tennis good

The Education Debate

In the essay The Roots of Debate in Education and the hope of Dialogue I related to the Part on Integrating Women in the Classroom Army. It was stated that, "girls often receive less attention and speak up less in class". I found this to be true, in our class the majority of the time the men are the one's who have comments and speak up. I am not downing any of them, however it was interesting to read about this and be able to compare it to the classes that I am currently attending. Maby there are many reasons for it. Often times men are of few words and women are of many. maby we just let them have their time to talk because we do it all day. I agree with Tannen on the fact that students need to be challenged, each student is different and each learn differently. I like that teachers take the time to teach children to speak and think formally. Speaking formally is an important skill that not all students learn. I am not sure that I agree that knowledge is best learned through debate. There are many ways to learn knowledge, it depends on the person and their learning skills what would be the best way to learn. All in all I in joyed the essay.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I often find my self unsure of when to capitalize a word or series of words. There is the obvious at the beginning of a sentence, but I needed a little more understanding. Maby these five rule will help you out.

1) Capitalize the pronoun I.
Example: Jennifer and I went to the movies yesterday.
2) Capitalize the first letter of the first word of each sentence.
Example: Learning to capitalize correctly will improve your writing.
3) Capitalize the first letter of names of people, organizations, and places.
Example: Juan went on a trip to Tokyo, Japan for his company, General Motors Corporation.
4) Capitalize the first letter of adjectives that are made from the names of people and places.
Example: I like Mexican food.
5) Capitalize initials
Example: My brother's favorite author is H.G. Wells.

Response to Against School & I just want to be Average

In reading Against School Gatto Stated that he was cured of boredom forever yet in the opening he said "I became an expert in boredom." Well which is it. I under stand having moments of boredom, but when that is the case don't say you were cured of boredom forever. Maby he misunderstood the meaning of forever.
You can't question education simply because a few geniuses who weren't schooled became well known even famous inventors. Life is different today than in the early 1900's. Today it is mearly impossible to get a decent job without a high school education. There will always be a few genius, however education of any kind is incredibly important. With out education many things would be impossible. Most people wouldn't know how to read or even care to learn. I look at my five year old who has no interest in learning to read. If it is never a priority then what will he become.
In reading I just want to be Average, Rose knows what it is like to be average. Many students today find the need to want to fit in with the crowd. Which could be the reason so many kids are having trouble in school. In order to fit in with the in crowd you have to do what they do. In order to be cool you have to ditch school with them, do drugs, wear name brand cloths, and any of the other thing kids are doing these days.
Basically Rose is saying that the teachers were unknowledgeable in the skills they were teaching. Basically in order for the football coach to coach at this school he needed to teach a class as well. This can still be seen today. Many of the caches at my school knew little to nothing about what they were teaching. The only thing they cared about was the team. However because the teacher was so dumb everyone would pass the class.
Wanting to be Average is not always good enough. Sometimes we have to stretch out of our skin to get anywhere in life. If I only wanted to be average then why the hell am I putting my self through school when I could take the easy way out and just stay home and play with my kids. I want to do something with my life more than being a mother. I want to make a difference in someones life. I want to be more than average.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Word Choice

I have found that on many occasions I have trouble with my Word Choice. I found a web site that has very helpful information. After reading several examples I feel somewhat more confidant with my word choice. Check it out maybe there is some helpful information for you. Click
In the essay Idiot Nation I found many things controversial. Moore basically said that those of us who know how to read but usually don't are "IGNORANT AND STUPID". I have a very different opinion. Not all of has time to sit down and read a book. Yes there was a time in my life when I truly enjoyed reading a book, however now I have to put everyone else before myself and well it just isn't a priority. I do not feel that I am Ignorant nor Stupid. Besides who is he to talk, he didn't even make one semester of college. Here I am a mother of three children, been out of school for ten years and I am going to school to get a degree. Who is stupid? Yeah I may not have the kind of money that Moore does, but hay some thing in life are more important than money.
However I do very much agree with Mr. Moore on the issue of the teachers not being appreciated enough for what they do. Yes, we should be thanking the teachers for devoting their life our children. Teachers do not make enough money for their dedication to our children's education.
I was unaware that schools are marketed by many name brand products such as Coke and Pepsi. I do remember having vending machines at school, but there are vending machines everywhere. Having vending machines so available could have something to do with the obesity increase in our children.
It is a wonderful thing that schools can receive money for products that many American families use every day. The box top's for school is awesome and it isn't necessarily making our children obese. Yes, many of these things are deserts and such but not all. The school then turns in the box tops for money to buy products that the school needs. Anyone who has children in school knows that they are always in need of many things.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

When do you use a Comma

There are so many rules with Commas. I thought maby I wasn't the only one who needs a little help with these rules. I found a grate site that walks you through the rules with examples. For more help click here.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Looking for Work VS What We Really Miss About the 1950s

In Gary Soto's essay" Looking for Work" I found interesting. It was as if someone had wrote a story about my thoughts as a child. Maby because of the way I grew up but I always felt like the poor white girl. There was always someone who had bigger and better things than I did. I remember watching television programs wishing our family could be more like them. Wondering why we didn't have such nice things. I often found my self doing odd jobs around the neighborhood to earn enough money to walk down to the store and buy a candy bar.

In Stephanie Coontz essay "What We Really Miss About the 1950's" I found really hard to follow. One minute it was talking about nostalgia the next about happy marriages. I fell I relate better to stories than a bunch of information thrown at me. However there was much I learned. I was unaware that many families lived togather to save money. I am not sure I could handle living with relatives. It was enough growing up in a home with 3 sisters and one bathroom.

When looking at "Gary Soto's Looking for Work" in an interpretive/rhetorical way. We all think the grass is greener on the other side. We always think and sometimes feel that he or she has it better than me. Poor me. In the essay "David King, has a closet filled with toys and a bear-shaped cookie jar. like the ones on television." I think that often times we take the things we have for granted and are always wanting more.

I think that times are so different today than in the 1950s. I have a hard time comparing family's today vs family's then. I have seen some of the television shows such as Leave it to Beaver portraying a perfect family which is the only thing I could compare my family to. We are far from perfect. Our schedule changes on a daily basis. For one I don't walk around the house in a dress and pearls. Most days I am lucky to get dressed for the day at all. Children don't entertain themselves as well as they probably did then. They have to many video games and such. We rarely sit down to dinner at the same time. Most the time it has been a good day if I even manage to make dinner. Times have changed so much. But one thing remains the same the love of the family.

Issues with spelling

I have been aware of my spelling issues for many years. I often find my self asking how do you spell this how do you spell that. Sometimes I relay don't know others just to reassure my self. It has been good for me to have a third grader and help her with spelling. Not only am I helping her but also many times I am helping myself. For more help with spelling try visiting here.

Monday, January 19, 2009

This is the Politocal Cartoon

This is the Polotocal Cartoon

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Intro to Reading America

Up until a few years ago I took being an American for granted. I knew that others weren't able to make the same choices as me however, it relay didn't matter. A few year ago my brother in law served in Iraq. During this time I was unable to watch the news or listen to anything that was said about what was happening in Iraq. Thank heavens that he made it home safely in one peace. During the time he was serving my views on being an American changed. I am forever grateful for all the men and women who sacrificed so much so that I can have my freedom. Today when I see the flag I get goosebumps. When I see men and women in military attire I am overwhelmed with gratefulness for the sacrifice they have made for me and my children.

I am sure there is a lot of history I will find out about this grate country that will sadden me and yet at the same time make me even more grateful for the freedoms which I have today. I do not feel that my opinion can easily be changed. There will be many thing I will not understand as to why people react the way they do. However isn't that the beauty of being an American citizen and having freedom. We are able to express our opinions and views of life to some extent as not to brake any laws.

I am excited and scared to see what the next few years will bring for our country. Did we make a good choice for the future President of the United States of America? Or will everything spiral out of control and continue to be worse then they are as far as the economy and every day people barley being able to afford to put food on the table and shelter over the heads of their small children.

Friday, January 9, 2009

I have trouble with exclamation marks. Many times I am unsure whether to use an exclamation or a question and often times it seems like a question.

For a better understanding of exclamation points click